There are 105 days until election day. Will we choose unity or division?
There are 105 days before the election. That means:
There are 105 days for us to be kind to each other, regardless of which chad we’ll be punching.
There are 105 days to realize that the people around us are more than their political beliefs. They are co-workers, coaches, dads, moms, teachers. Don’t boil them down to one thing you don’t agree with. Think broader. Braver.
There are 105 days to look at the other side with open eyes, to dampen down the outrage, and see that, despite what the news may tell us, we live in a country that knows how to come together when it matters.
There are 105 days to purge words like Trumper, Libtard, Snowflake, and MAGAt from our vocabulary, realizing our words are the first step towards building a more constructive dialogue.
There are 105 days to recognize that social media typically fuels division. A comment on a post will not shift a deeply held belief. Let’s not fool ourselves; real understanding or change requires sincere conversations and open-mindedness.
There are 105 days to seek out other voices, especially the ones that can teach us different perspectives.
There are 105 days to learn how to hold two truths in our head. Our truths, and the truths of others, which may not align.
There are 105 days to understand that kindness, compassion and empathy take much more strength than outrage or anger. Be strong.
There are 105 days to realize that whatever happens in November, we will survive. And if we don’t get the outcome we want, we will accept with grace and begin working towards rebuilding that piece.
There are 105 days to realize our country is made up of different needs and desires. We will not always get our way, because it is impossible. Yet we can celebrate our wins with grace, accept our losses with understanding.
There are 105 days left to practice radical acceptance, which encourages us to accept the moment without malice, while still holding space to change things in the future.
There are 105 days to remain calm, trust in the system, and understand that balance is always the goal.
There are 105 days to engage in meaningful conversations, to listen more than we speak, and to understand the experiences that shape different perspectives.
There are 105 days to practice empathy and compassion, to step into someone else’s shoes and see the world through their eyes, even if just for a moment. Understanding the “why” is more important than the “what.”
There are 105 days to teach our children the value of human respect, the importance of unity, and the beauty of seeing the good in others, even when it may be hard for us to see.
There are 105 days to celebrate our commonalities, to focus on what brings us together rather than what drives us apart.
There are 105 days to stay informed, to seek out facts and discern truth from fiction, and to not immediately share things that suit our personal agenda.
There are 105 days to cherish the freedoms we have and fight for the ones we seek. To honor those who fought for them, and to commit ourselves to safeguarding them for future generations.
There are 105 days to let go of the past anger, trauma, resentment that politics may have caused in your life. They are all still valid feelings, but letting go is the first step to moving on, and not carrying those burdens through another cycle. If you need help with that, seek it out.
There are 105 days to show the world the power of respectful, free elections where everyone has a voice.
There are 105 days to approach the people you may have moved away from, based solely on their politics. If you like them, have a conversation. Every relationship deserves a second chance.
There are 105 days to remember that, at the end of this election season, we are all Americans, bound by the common hope for a better tomorrow, even if we disagree on what that may look like. Many of these practices take patience and the strength to be vulnerable, which can be difficult, especially when emotions are high. But remember, every word or every action is a choice. So let’s make the right ones.
Please share to help make the next 105 days easier on all of us.